Using the Zodiac Calculator Class
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Open Source MIT License
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Open Source MIT License
The calculator class works a a starting point to transform different types of dates into zodiac objects.
The calculator class can read dates from integer types (unix timestamp) as well as text strings, which can represent a relative time (last monday, tomorrow, last day of next month) or an absolute time (first day of June 1983, 2011-11-11).
use Intervention\Zodiac\Calculator;
// create from iso date
$zodiac = Calculator::make('1992-03-19');
// create from relative date
$zodiac = (string) Calculator::make('first day of June 2008');
// create from unix timestamp integer
$zodiac = (string) Calculator::make(1641719287);
You can also pass date objects (DateTime
or Carbon
) to instantiate new zodiac objects.
use Intervention\Zodiac\Calculator;
// create from datetime objects
$zodiac = Calculator::make(new DateTime('1977-03-15'));
// create from carbon objects
$zodiac = Calculator::make(Carbon::yesterday());
Continue reading to learn what you can do with the zodiac objects.